7 Benefits of Practicing Gratitude Every Day
Science has proven that being grateful leads to a higher quality of life. People who express gratitude regularly live longer, are healthier, and also have a lower incidence rate of overweight, obesity, stress, anxiety and chronic disease. The following 7 benefits are just a few of the many rewards of practicing gratitude every day.
Is There A Relationship Between Sin And Sickness?Many people believe that stress can cause all kinds of illnesses. Then there is the idea that behind ailment there can be a so-called psychosomatic cause. As a Christian I take it a step further and ask the question whether there is a relation between sin and sickness.
3 Simple Tips for Being More Mindful EverydayMindfulness is all about tuning the brain to focus on the present moment. It is important to state this fact because sometimes the true essence of mindfulness is lost. This happens when putting all emphasis on traditional activities practiced alongside mindfulness such as meditation or yoga. However, mindfulness can be applied in our daily lives.
Listening To Your Body For Better HealthFor many of us, better health does not come naturally. It is usually something we must work on in order to lead healthy lives and have overall excellent health. This means listening to your body and understanding what it is telling you about what is going on inside the body. Here are some ways you can listen to your body so you can have a life that is sustained by good health.
Creating A Home That Is A Wellness SanctuaryHow can you create a home that feels like “home”? A place that you want to come back to every evening after a long day at work… Where you truly feel safe and comfortable, and can really relax and unwind… A place and a space that makes you feel peaceful, calm, and well.
10 Ways To Combat Fatigue And Increase Your VitalityWe live in a society of tired and worn out people. Many people have desk jobs or sit around all day, which, while not using much actual energy, tends to make us feel zapped and more tired because physical movement begets energy. We run around from work to chores to home where we face more chores without the needed energy to accomplish these tasks. We spend weekends stuck to gaming systems, television screens and spend little time in the fresh air.
5 Ways To A More Balanced LifeCreating a work-life balance can be tough. It is very hard to find the delicate balance between a happy boss and happy home life. There are a few things that you should do both at work and at home to create a balanced life.
Enema or Colonic – The Better Option for Bowel TroublesNothing can be more painful and frustrating than encountering an imbalance in the bowel function. People rush to the doctors and clinicians to get rid of this unpleasant encounter. However, in the process of choosing the best hydrotherapy for ensuring a healthy bowel function; most of the people get confused between the two remedies that are colonic and enema.
Is Your Life Designed To Support Wellness?The question we are asking ourselves here is whether our own personal life, in its current state, is designed to support wellness. This requires a dual approach. We must investigate exactly what wellness is referring to.
Health Is the New Wealth, Are You Well-Thy?No matter how successful you are and how much money you have in the bank, without good health you will be ill equipped to enjoy your riches and achievements. Recent surveys show a trend towards preventative health and the maintenance of good health. Values have shifted and where once acquisition of possessions was seen as the symbol of wealth, nowadays the trappings associated with health are becoming a bigger status symbol.
Four Reasons to Choose a Whole Body Wellness ClinicToo often, people neglect their health until they’re in an emergency room. Visiting a wholistic wellness clinic can help one avoid illness using preventative medical methods.
Let Your Body Do The Talking Through Nutrition Response TestingMany have heard the term before, but what exactly does nutrition response testing, or NRT, mean? What is involved, and what is determined by this type of physiological test? Let’s get straight to some answers to these frequently asked questions about this particular matter of modern day holistic healthcare.