Best Cannabis Strains For Migraines

Five Benefits of Osteopathic Doctors for New Parents and Babies

New parents and babies may often experience issues during pregnancy, birth, and post-delivery. Osteopathy offers help and several options that can help make this a smoother process.

Natural Pain Management – Finding The Cause

Natural pain management begins by looking at the cause of your pain. In this article, we are going to look at the cause of chronic pain and how to resolve it.

Stress And Chronic Pain Often Go Together

Stress and chronic pain can seem unlikely bed fellows, but in fact they go hand in hand. As an energetic being, everything in our life, in our bodies and in our minds are connected. There are no exceptions.

The Coming Of Age – More Important Than Society Thinks

The coming of age of an adolescent should be taken far more seriously than it currently is, at least in most western countries. An elaborate 18th birthday party may be fun, but does not equip anyone with what is necessary to lead a balanced life.

Your Sense Of Taste Is Important

Every living being has a sense of taste. In nature, it is used discerningly, to differentiate between food that is good for you and that which is not. In the ‘civilised’ world, this important sense is often only noticed when something is heavily spiced or overly sweet.

Hypnotherapy For Addiction – Self Help Versus Professional?

Hypnotherapy for addiction has widely become popular in the last 10 years, people are looking to solve deep issues of addiction from within there subconscious mind. Before receiving it is important that you understand what type of hypnotherapy you are receiving.

How To Beat Panic Attacks By Emptying Your Mind And Sitting Still Doing Nothing

Is mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) all it’s cracked up to be? Is it this great wonder that everyone must use to curb stress and panic attacks? Do you need to start using it?

Natural Pain Relief Can Solve Deeper Problems

Women looking for natural period pain relief are often those who understand the damage that medication, even over-the-counter common pain killers, do. Especially to your liver. But, when the pain is severe or interfering with your work/life, then they are often at a loss to know what else to do.

Natural Pain Relief Goes Much Further

Natural pain relief works in a very different way from medical pain relief. Medical pain relief works by blocking the message from the painful part to the brain. This can be highly detrimental, not only to your liver as it is toxic, but also to the healing of the part concerned. If your body doesn’t have the pain, it will not restrict movement. This can further exacerbate the problem.

Why Don’t You Feel Well When Your Lab Tests Are Normal?

Most lab testing doesn’t catch problems until they are advanced. Narrower lab testing ranges can help the doctor and patient know what needs to be done to stop or prevent the disease process.

Infection Misdiagnosis Is More Common Than You May Think

Infection misdiagnosis is extremely common, far more so than most people realise. This is hardly surprising bearing in mind the limited time a GP will spend with a patient and the perceived value of antibiotics. Almost everyone will be give a course on their first visit.

Hay Fever And Allergies – Holistic Approaches

Hay fever and allergies are most common in the spring time, but can occur at any time. Hay fever is an allergic reaction of a specific kind. Normally the sufferer has some kind of head or upper respiratory symptoms, of varying degrees. It could be sneezing, streaming eyes or nose, itchy eyes or palate or any combination.

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