How To Cure Your Body Safely And Holistically With Water!
We, as humans with a body, have an incredible, innate ability: The ability to heal ourselves against sickness and illnesses. We have a natural defense system that is capable of preventing bad health. When your body is at optimal health, it can defend against countless bacteria, viruses, parasites, and harmful toxins, without the help of over the counter medications, which can be a big hassle.
Oschman/Pollack, The SynthesisThe net result of photosynthesis is that oxygen is oxidised. Oxygen is an electrophilic, and steals electrons whenever it can, and it makes up 21% of the air that you breathe, so it is also abundant. Typically, oxygen, oxidises just about everything else, and the oxidation of oxygen is not a common intuitive occurrence that you might expect? And yet plants store chemical energy within their tissues by oxidising oxygen…it is pretty amazing!
Hypnotherapy For a Better YouGiven the mind constantly evolves, creates, and directs our daily lives, we as clients and hypnotherapists constantly tap into its resources. The connections perceived become reality, as we gain new understandings when relieved of constraints placed upon us by our own conscious thoughts.
The Ancient Seas and Stomach AcidOver the counter remedies for gastric distress is the leading non prescription medication sold in the western world, by far. Gastrointestinal health is also the single greatest determinant of a person’s health and happiness. No wonder we have so many unhealthy and unhappy people?
Speaking Sleep Deprivation: Holistic Health CounselorThere is literally a very long list of reasons that you would actually need to be able to get a full night of sleep and it is very important to learn this from the finest health coach. So many people have the problem of trying to sleep and this is on any given night. Lack of sleep causes many problems with being to lose and keep off any kind of weight.
Home Made Cleaning ProductsYou can easily make your own home made cleaning products by simply using some common natural non-toxic ingredients. Yes, it’s unbelievably easy, it will make your home smell great, kill germs, and help you achieve a healthier non-toxic home.
A Curcurmin Supplement for Your Health: Skip the AdditivesIf you’re anything like a lot of health conscious people these days-and I bet you are! You’re looking for a curcumin supplement to protect you from cancer, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease.
It’s Not Just the Weather: Tips for Winter Soul SurvivalJust trying to get through the short, dark, dreary days of winter? Check out a few key tips to surviving the season and renewing your spirit.
Fibromyalgia – Information and Natural Self-Help TipsIn this article, learn natural ways to manage fibromyalgia symptoms. Don’t let pain and poor sleep prevent your from living life to the fullest. Here are some of the best, research-supported tips available.
What to Do If Your Child Has a FeverFever represents a universal, ancient, and usually beneficial response to infection, and its suppression under most circumstances has few, if any, benefits. The fact that there is little to no evidence that Tylenol/Advil therapy contributes to health has not stopped marketers, and sadly, most doctors from continuing to give patents this bad advice.
Preparing for Surgery: How to Use Guided Imagery for Optimal OutcomesThe primary purpose of this article is to help you feel calmer and more empowered as you prepare for your medical procedure. The more you practice this method the more effective it will be. Guided Imagery can help you achieve improved surgical outcomes; this includes less pain, fewer complications and even a faster recovery. Relaxation can help you lower your cortisol and adrenaline levels, leading to lower blood pressure and heart rate. The more you practice the better your results and the more relaxed you will be at the time of surgery.
Steps to Reverse a Fatty Liver ConditionFatty liver simply put is a condition where fat accumulates in and around the passageways of the liver causing the liver to function inadequately. Herbs have been used throughout the ages for the treatment of this condition.