Tis The Season For The Flu – End The Season With Sunlight or Vitamin D!
We all just accept that there is a season for the Flu Virus, but we could end this unwanted season with two easy steps: we expose our skin to more real or artificial sunlight that will cause our bodies to produce our own virus fighting Vitamin D, and/or we take liquid Vitamin D during flu season to supplement our own deficient production during the cold months of the year. It’s that easy!
10 Effective Home Remedies for Kidney Stones That WorkOur kidney has an important role to play in our system to filter the impurities and toxins. Read this article to know some effective home remedies for kidney stones.
Home Remedies for Kidney Stones, Symptoms and CausesKidney stones are the most usual problem of the kidney. Know the symptoms, causes and home remedies for kidney stones.
Kinesiology Is the Science of Human Movement But Is It Right for You?Kinesiologists work with the study of kinesiology which literally translated means to move or movement. It may also be referred to as human kinetics. Kinesiology is the science of human movement which generally focuses on physical activity
Physical Wellness – Developing a Healthy Self-Care PlanThe poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once said “The first wealth is health.” Unfortunately, many people tend to take physical wellness for granted. They don’t think much about it at all until they are faced with an illness and the topic surges to the forefront of their awareness. A much better approach would be to develop a balanced self-care program which will help to keep you healthy.
Overcoming Kidney Failure Nature’s WayAt this point in time there is no definitive reason why people’s kidneys fail, but I believe the problem exists in us all and we can eliminate the problem with one simple method. Through the study of kidneys it shows the need to have healthy kidneys in order to clean our blood.
How To Cure Insomnia With Natural Herbal RemediesInsomnia is a common problem with many in this world of stress and tension. It can be easily cure with natural remedies.
Improve Memory Quickly With Proven Herbal RemediesMemory can be of 3 types: sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory. Read this article to know herbal remedies for increase memory.
3 Simple, Easy, Natural Cough RemediesThe cold and flu season is upon us. And with that often comes coughing and sore throats. Here are three simple, easy to make, natural remedies that will take care of coughs quickly and effectively.
Above Down – Inside OutAs a Doctor of Chiropractic we are taught that the body can heal itself, more importantly that the healing comes from above to down then inside and out. So what does that mean exactly?
Health and Wellness in the New Year for a New YouHealth and wellness has been of utmost importance to everybody and all its hype will continue to flourish. Everyone wants to live a healthy life and achieve the ultimate wellness of one’s well being. All the health and wellness products are in demand nowadays.
11 Effective Home Remedies for ScarsMany of us are left with scars on our face or body due to some hurt or injury. Read this article to know effective home remedies for scars.