What is CBD? | Educational – Cibdol

What Is Reiki Energy And How Does It Really Work?

Aside from the usual definitions for the term Reiki and explanations for what it can do, this article will explore the matter a little deeper. Reiki is more than a relaxation therapy.

Protect Your Heart – Four Powerful Tips for a Healthy Heart

Statistics show that more Americans die due to heart problems than due to other diseases. They also indicate that heart disease could have been prevented in four out of five cases it developed. So, the question is how to prevent the occurrence of heart diseases and keep your heart healthy so that it will function for a long time. Here are four tips for keeping your heart in a healthy condition. These tips relate to your lifestyle habits.

Should You Hire a Holistic Health Practitioner?

Holistic Health Practitioners or Holistic Health Coaches are garnering an increasing amount of attention. In a society where physicians often must limit the time they spend with their patients, where there exists an ever-stronger connection between our diets and our health.

Learn Reiki For This Life And What Lies Ahead

Learning Reiki can heal you, but not in every case. Reiki in can also help you in your transitions in life and in life after the death of your body.

Change Your Food Intake and Improve Your Health

Your body needs minerals in certain proportions. The essential minerals needed by your body are Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium. Your body needs these minerals both inside and outside your body cells. When the proportion of these minerals changes significantly at any part of the body, it will affect the biochemistry of your body and will result in the death of some cells.

Herbs, the Foundation of Medicine: Luffa

While herbs grow all around us, most of us rarely stop to consider what benefit a particular plant may have for us. I have to admire the people of long ago who have taken the time to observe and experiment with herbs and pass on the knowledge they have gained.

Learn Reiki to Start Healing Yourself and Others

You can learn the energy healing of Reiki to manage and cure just about any ailment. These methods have been studied for years and are proven to work with studies conducted in hospitals and by universities across the world.

3 Steps That Will Ensure Your Success Towards Your Vision

In part 1 to Make 2015 your most successful year ever, we went over the process of visioning, what it is and why it is important. Part 2 is to decide on action steps that will move you forward towards your vision so you pursue the most important things in your health and your life. This is not about creating additional pressures by pushing yourself to accomplish too much, too soon. This is meant to be simple and fun!

10 Reasons to Use Aloe Vera Juice

Using Aloe Vera to heal the body isn’t the health trend of this century. Ancient cultures have used the sap of the aloe plant to heal all types of ailments. I am going to share some of the amazing findings about this healing plant. Maybe Aloe Vera will someday be the answer to your health concerns.

Nature Vs Antibiotics

I take one scoop of Lauricidin every day. I don’t get the flu shot, I don’t get the flu, and I stopped taking any antibiotics. I am also, in no way, getting paid to discuss this product.

3 Easy Ways To Stick To Your Goals

Sticking to your goals doesn’t have to be hard. Focus more on the why and want gives you a leg up.

Are You Still In the Crohn Age?

Discover the benefits of Colon-izing bacteria. Put your disease in its crypt tonight! Every disease has its Kryptonite. Back up your gut to get your health back up!

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